Vann Slatter
Founder, Retired President

Vann Slatter
“When we started Slatter Construction we took on all kinds of jobs that no one else would do. I liked the challengeóclients came in with a project and a budget, and we had to figure out how to get the job done. Over the years we’ve built a solid reputation meeting all kinds of construction challenges, but I believe that the key to our success has been the quality of our job superintendents.”
Vann founded Slatter Construction in 1984 and handed the presidency over to son Sid in 2000. Now the award-winning winemaker at Hunter Hill Winery, Vann is tending grapes and making wines on land that the family has owned for more than 100 years.
When Vann started Slatter Construction, he envisioned a company that could take on all kinds of jobs – everything from hanging a screen door for a little old lady, to custom homes, to multi-million dollar commercial projects. He enjoyed hard work, and to make the business successful he knew it was important to stay busy year ’round and keep his crews employed. Slatter Construction took on all kinds of jobs and, time after time, delivered results. Today, the company operates just as Vann envisioned it should, offering a wide range of construction services, respected for honest business practices and maintaining highly skilled crews of professional builders.
Vann began his career with one tour as a SeaBee and then two tours as a Navy SEAL in Vietnam. He came away from the experience with a keen ability to manage people effectively and devise quick, creative solutions under pressure. He found he was well suited to the complexities of construction, and after working for four years as an apprentice and ten years as a superintendent at Reese Construction, Vann left to found Slatter Construction, where his first customer was Tom Reese.